For the Audencia campaign film directed by NDA, we created three distinct 3D universes for a virtual set shoot. These environments, each depicting a possible future, were integral to the film's narrative. After the shoot, we meticulously tracked all the shots to add 3D elements, enhancing the film's depth and visual appeal. The film explores innovative and forward-thinking concepts, highlighting Audencia's vision for the future of education and leadership. Through our collaborative efforts, we brought a futuristic and immersive experience to life, aligning perfectly with Audencia's progressive message.

For the Audencia campaign film directed by NDA, we created three distinct 3D universes for a virtual set shoot. These environments, each depicting a possible future, were integral to the film's narrative. After the shoot, we meticulously tracked all the shots to add 3D elements, enhancing the film's depth and visual appeal. The film explores innovative and forward-thinking concepts, highlighting Audencia's vision for the future of education and leadership. Through our collaborative efforts, we brought a futuristic and immersive experience to life, aligning perfectly with Audencia's progressive message.